About the Creatrix

I revel in those moments when the maze becomes the labyrinth, when all my chaos, even briefly, resolves into a pattern that makes sense.

The path I’ve taken loops around world music and dance, cybersecurity and privacy, tarot archetypes and shamanic journeying.

I built a labyrinth in my front yard during the pandemic, and I’ve been following Ariadne’s thread ever since. I specialize in creating radical rituals that enrich my life and the lives of those around me.

My Superpowers

  • Building containers

  • Asking questions

  • Synthesizing the disparate

  • Channeling insights

  • Expressing complexity with simplicity

  • Designing radical rituals in creative living

  • Directing energy

  • Discussing modern cybersecurity practices

  • Caring deeply about your digital privacy

  • Singing folk songs in many languages

  • Drawing labyrinths

  • Cooking a damn fine tagine

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“My mission is to create containers around wants and needs that open portals to playful practices.”

— Christy Smith | Photo Credit – Pixie Vision

The Enrichment Project blossomed out of a personal yearning to explore my own creative potential. In 2010, a group of women agreed to answer my curious questions for a year. Across the many intervening years, our understanding of creativity morphed: from noun to verb, from dance and circus stages to the radical rituals that alter our daily lives.


Creative Origins

Listen to the podcast Christy recorded with Gavin of What Origin?


I like your vibe

What’s your passion? What are you experiencing right now? What are you practicing? What are you weaving? I’d love to hear about what’s centering you.