The Difference Between Resignation and Surrender
Christy Smith Christy Smith

The Difference Between Resignation and Surrender

How does resignation feel in your body? What’s the difference between this emotion and similar ones like surrender? Learn about the original design for Resign to Rise, a solar LED labyrinth installation for Emergence.

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Our Dream Now
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Our Dream Now

Who is Doug on the Big Island? My husband makes his first pilgrimage to ‘Awapuhi Labyrinth and first solo vacation since college to hike and watch sea turtles.

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Attention As Resistance - A Wider Circle
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Attention As Resistance - A Wider Circle

You are cordially invited to the next virtual Focused Circle Share on the third Thursday of February. The theme of this Circle will be “Attention As Resistance”.

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Heavenly Hawk
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Heavenly Hawk

The shrill cry of an ‘io, a Hawaiian hawk, pierces the sky above me on a full moon labyrinth walk, and I contemplate my blessings.

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Walking A Shame Spiral
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Walking A Shame Spiral

When shame curls you into a ball, the only way forward is through. and if you walk it backwards—starting with the sharpness of vulnerability—it’s a smooth spiral on out.

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The Build Process for the Spiral Beyond Shame Labyrinth
Christy Smith Christy Smith

The Build Process for the Spiral Beyond Shame Labyrinth

When shame curls you into a ball, the only way forward is through. A 12-hour build time created this Alchemy 2024 art installation, which was first conceived while processing the emotion of shame during a 15-month program around Brené Brown’s book “Atlas of the Heart”.

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Spiral Beyond Shame Labyrinth
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Spiral Beyond Shame Labyrinth

When shame curls you into a ball, the only way forward is through. When your face flushes and your insides twist, the only way forward is through. When every footfall feels like stepping in hot lava, the only way forward is through.

This processional labyrinth pattern is not a maze, with false turns and choices. There's only one way in and one way out. You cannot be trapped in this shame spiral. You may feel lost, but you have been on the right path the whole time. 

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Healing Anguish
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Healing Anguish

Anguish Labyrinth splits open a beloved medieval pattern and takes a processional journey past 18 circles toward healing

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Enriching the ‘Awapuhi Labyrinth
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Enriching the ‘Awapuhi Labyrinth

E Komo Mai - The Welcome | When synchronicity knocks, sometimes all you can do is welcome it with open arms... How would access to a Hawaiian labyrinth enrich your life’s journey? Learn more about the ‘Awapuhi Labyrinth on the Big Island of Hawaii.

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A Labyrinth Pattern for Tranquility
Christy Smith Christy Smith

A Labyrinth Pattern for Tranquility

I fouled up my original sketch for this labyrinth dedicated to Tranquility so badly that it’s one of the few where I wound up completely doing it over and taping a fresh paper into my journal book…

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Celebrating Nurturing - A Wider Circle
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Celebrating Nurturing - A Wider Circle

You are cordially invited to the next virtual Focused Circle Share on the third Thursday of May. The theme of this Circle will be “Celebrating Nurturing”, with a special invitation extended to our honored mothers (yep, a few days after Mother’s Day!).

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Walkers Welcome
Christy Smith Christy Smith

Walkers Welcome

For me, a labyrinth is a pattern that encourages reflection on my repetitive thoughts. What stories am I retelling? What habits am I building? Another blind spot seems to be just beyond the next twist in the path.

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