Radical Ritual Tarot
A Radical Ritual Tarot reading is both a re-minding and a re-membering. Both touchstone and catalyst. Consultation and co-creation.
Part tarot reading, part support circle, part shamanic journey, and part healing - Radical Rituals are deeply informed by my work with the Enrichment Project and are designed around the integration of life’s lessons: the simple and complex, the obvious and subtle, the exquisite and the exquisitely painful.
Deep readings of a single card, paired with the joint creation of a ritual, offer a way to work through the energy of that card, to transform it into a personal talisman. At the end of the session, the card is yours to keep; I only meet each card’s archetype once with each deck. Choose a basic reading or incorporate more support – like a custom-made touchstone bracelet of semi-precious stones – to accelerate your transformation.
Radical Rituals recognize the deeper patterns of our lives, the cycles where we may be stuck, the joy to be celebrated, the archetypes we hold and encounter. Radical Rituals are for the web weavers, the serendipity seekers, and the truth transcenders. Radical Rituals acknowledge our roles as creators, as storytellers who rewrite our own myths as active participants in the dance of life.
Virtual readings are just as effective as in person sessions; I have worked with clients all across the globe. Contact me if you have questions about scheduling a session to manifest compassion, purify hope, divine healing, communicate clarity, or whatever intention will best support your own becoming.
My love of the archetypes of the tarot comes from my grandmother, Ella Mae, who taught me something of them as I was growing up. She was good at listening, at recognizing patterns, and at helping me find my way when no one else could. This work is a continuation of her legacy.
Basic Tarot Reading
Shamanic Tarot Reading
Radical Ritual Tarot Reading
Basic Tarot Reading
Schedule a virtual or in person tarot reading of a single card. Readings will be approximately 30 minutes in length and you will receive both a recording of the session and a copy of the card itself. It’s a great introduction to the archetypes of the cards in our lives.
I began working with the tarot at a very young age, and the cards don’t so much “tell the future” as they unlock questions when I’m stuck, offer guidance when I have a weighty topic to contemplate, and suggest ways for me to identify and work through different patterns in my life.
30 minute tarot reading
1 tarot card
1 recording of our reading
Price: $45
Shamanic Tarot Reading
Schedule an in person or virtual tarot reading of a single card that goes beyond the basics. This offering includes extra shamanic journey work to personalize the experience, recruit additional support, and add memorable depth to the reading. Readings will be approximately 60 minutes in length and you will receive both a recording of the session and a copy of the card itself. They are a wonderful way to kickstart your own creative projects.
Shamanism is an ancient practice of using direct revelations to guide and heal a community. I don’t claim the title of shaman, but I am trained in using shamanic journeying techniques, including Akashic records readings, to bring back additional intelligence to augment a reading. Journeying enriches the reading and the guidance given.
60 minute Tarot reading
1 shamanic journey
1 tarot card
1 recording of our reading
1 divination charm on lobster clasp
Hands-on or distance energy work
Price: $60
Radical Ritual Tarot Reading
Fully supported tarot reading that includes shamanic journeying, your card, plus custom handpainted jar, gemstone bracelet, and hand-watercolored card with a summary of the gemstone’s qualities. These offerings unite to help re-mind and re-member the Radical Ritual we design together.
I work with two gemstones per moon cycle. The beads sit on my altar, absorb the light of the full moon, and participate in any work I do that cycle: just waiting for you! This is my absolute favorite way to work with these archetypal energies.
The tarot asks us to confront uncomfortable and challenging truths sometimes; working through these energies can be taxing. The tarot also asks us to celebrate the daring and richness of life; we are often more ill-equipped to encounter joy than we are sorrow. A full Radical Ritual offers you all the insight and wisdom of a shamanic reading with the tools and support for working through that energy on a day-to-day, and often breath-by-breath, basis.
This will not be a reading you forget.
90 minute tarot reading
1 shamanic journey
1 tarot card
1 recording of our reading
1 handpainted ritual jar with tea candle
1 divination charm on lobster clasp
1 custom gemstone bracelet
1 watercolor card depicting the gemstone intention
Hands-on or distance energy work
1 Radical Ritual to work through the energy of the card
Price: $150