Celebrating Nurturing - A Wider Circle
“We have to nurture
that’s how there will be balance
for each one and all”
Haiku published by Purple4Ever
Hello fellow human!
After an amazing 15-month journey through the Atlas of the Heart, Christy and Nala are happy to announce a series of Wider Circles starting May 2024 and running until April 2025. Please use the dates found below to mark your calendar if you are interested in attending. The topics and facilitators of these Circles will vary from month to month, and there will be no cost to participate.
You are invited to share this invitation with others in your network. We welcome all deep divers, truth seekers, big dreamers, and creative catalysts!
Our Bold Purpose for holding these circles is to cultivate meaningful connection by rumbling with vulnerability and leaning into discomfort and sharp edges. We will use the focus share guidelines to create co-facilitated containers to practice the language of human emotions and experiences.
These talking circles are for feeling and healing, and we hope to see you at one or more! You may also appreciate looking over the assertive bill of rights. Did you know you have rights in your interpersonal relationships? You do! <high five!>
You are cordially invited to the next virtual Focused Circle Share on the third Thursday of May. The theme of this Circle will be “Celebrating Nurturing”, with a special invitation extended to our honored mothers (yep, a few days after Mother’s Day!).
The definition of Nurture is to “care for and encourage the growth or development of.” You are invited to contemplate and even journal about your own experiences and definition of “Nurture”. You are also invited to bring an item for our digital altar that symbolizes nurturing to you.
Focused Circle Share: May 16, 2024
Time: 7:30-10:30 PM ET - Time zone converter - When the connections are flowing, it’s easy to get swept up, but we will try to keep to a three-hour container!
Your Facilitators: Christy HartSmith and Nala Phillips
Format: Focus circle share on the topic of “Celebrating Nurturing”
Altar Item: Please bring an item to share that symbolizes nurturing to you
Zoom Link: Please RSVP below to receive a link to join the conversation
The light flucture—a portmanteau of “light flow plan / structure”—will consist of introducing the theme and the digital altar, opening and closing meditations to ground and center us, reading aloud of the Circle Guidelines, an introduction of the current prompt, and then space in the center to hold us all as we practice sharing our truth.
Save the Dates for more Wider Circles, All Starting at 7:30 PM ET:
July 18, 2024
Aug 15, 2024
Oct 17, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
Jan 16, 2024
Feb 20, 202
April 17, 2025